Monday, September 24, 2012

I DID NOT go to Seminary!

I have to give you some background before I tell you the real story.

We keep a very open dialogue with ours kids, hoping that as they get older it will remain, and some of the harder to talk about issues won't be so hard.  Adoption is a common topic, obviously, we share everything in an age appropriate way.  Because we recently lost Papa Ross, death and Heaven come up on a regular basis as well.  Our kids are currently in Awana, which is a program for kids where scripture memory is the main focus.  Lyla's first Bible verse was John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." (it took 4 weeks, but SHE DID IT! But that's another post)

Ok, so Macey and Xander heard that verse 100 times at least, and they asked questions.  What is perish? What is eternal life?  One of my favorite songs is 10,000 Reasons, in which it says "Bless the Lord, oh, my soul." On more than one occasion Macey has asked, "What is a soul?" I had NO idea little kids would be inquisitive about such important things!

So that is the background, they ask questions about serious things and I do my best to give a truthful explanation.  Today, on our way to gymnastics "What is a soul?" was asked.  The rest of the conversation went something like this...

Me: It is who we are, it is where we find our love for God, it directs our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Macey: What does it look like?
Me: You can't see it. It is inside of us, it is who we are.
(Pause to point out the cows)
Macey: Does Jesus have a soul?
Me: (um, I don't know, so I did the best I could) Well, He had a soul when he was on Earth, but now He is in Heaven. (I suppose Jesus had a soul, but He is not human, so does He?) Our soul is what goes to Heaven.
Macey: Papa doesn't have a soul.
Me: No, Papa's soul in in Heaven.
Macey: Because our soul goes to Heaven.
Me: Right.

Seriously, I just sit there in awe of her questions and try not to tell her lies when I answer, this is tough stuff.  I thought I was done for that car ride, but it gets better.  Xander started talking about Jesus and the cross, and this is what followed.

Xander: People hurt Jesus when He died on the cross.
Me: Yes, very badly.
Xander: Those are mean people.
Me: Yes, they were very mean to Jesus.
(short pause)
Macey: What if those people were right?
Me: What people?
Macey: The people who were mean to Jesus.
Me: Why were they right?
Macey: Because He had to die on the cross so we could go to Heaven.
Me: Wow, Macey, you might be right.  Jesus had to die on the cross. head is still spinning.


Megan a.k.a. "Emme" said...

Default: "Everything that happens is part of God's perfect plan." At least that's where I'd go. :^}

But yes, children's brains are unbelievably big.

Anonymous said...

wow. can you start talking to them about pacifism so i can get some of those gems for my book?

those are some great kids you've got there! and, they've got a great Mom. :)


The Queen said...

My Goodness! Those kids have such tender hearts and Macey is wise beyond her years! PTL!!

Little Spouse in the Old House said...

Children lead the way! I can't wait to read the conversation years from now when you tell them we are a part of those mean people who crucified Jesus. God gives you wisdom for each step! Love, Grandma janice

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! Those little ones are SOOOOO grown-up! That is amazing Macey and Xander can already understand that and interpret it in their own way! :)

Alyssa McNeely